i read this piece of news yesterday its pretty amusing – SANTA has been given the all-clear for Australian airspace on Christmas Eve. Transport Minister John Anderson said Santa had been fully briefed about changes in the national airspace system since his flight last Christmas.And it appears Rudolph the reindeer will lead Santa this year, in a bid to comply with aviation lighting rules. “I am pleased to confirm that Santa will be able to operate in Australian airspace as normal,” Mr Anderson said in a statement.”However, the briefing was complicated by a disagreement about the navigation lights carried by the sleigh.”Mr Anderson said civil aviation regulations require all aircraft to carry red, green and white navigation lights.But Santa’s elves had complained the lights would distract the reindeer.”One of the reindeer, Rudolph, has a very shiny nose,” he said.”The Civil Aviation Safety Authority has therefore directed that Rudolph must lead the sleigh on Christmas Eve.”Mr Anderson said as there had never been a complaint about low-flying sleighs and reindeer, Santa had been cleared to operate through the Adelaide, Coolangatta and Sydney airport curfew hours. -AAP

well majority of the day went in optimizing both my computers at home. I have a desktop a Sony Vaio and Dell Inspiron laptop- did a little defragging and ran this kewl utility…it gets rid of a lot of junk from your computer, you can download it from here. the name of the software is advanced system optimizer…its shareware and theres a trial for 30 days…and it uninstalls without a trace…give it a try.

alot of people i have talked to have talked about the downsides of these blogging softwares and some in the worst scenarios have been hacked….so im sticking with blogger…unless im bitten with the bug again.lol


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