Went to get my buy my books today from the university library…..now you must be wondering why so late, well I decided to hold off until my schedule is permanent so I dont have the headache of returning the books and all that….but it seems that man are doing exactly what I had planned to do. Even after a week of school being opened people are still buying the books, and lines till the cashier are just too long. I have a good hour between classes, but I dont think even that is enough to get all my books, even though I dont have to buy alot of books this semester as most 2 of classes(calculus, c programming) are continuations from where we left off. Probably will go to saturday so that I might avoid the rush.

Also it was so cold today, and they say the weather is going to be worse tomorrow, good thing is that i take the car tomorrow, so i dont have to wait outside for long in the cold. Hopefully the weather clears up over the weekend so that i can play some tennis, that would be cool.

I so wish that there was a Dunkin Donuts here, their coffee is just excellent, and i am kinda getting bored of Krispy Kreme.


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