Next semester i am taking a class that definitely sounds so cool … mobile programming -> my latest interest.

Class descripton:

Have you ever wished you know more about programming your smart phone, your web camera, your VCR, or your Tablet PC. Have you ever noticed that computing has slipped away from the desktop and even from the laptop and has gone ubiquitous? Do you know that ‘gadget computing’ is the fastest growing area in our tech sector and where most of the new computing jobs are created? If your answer is yes to all the above, you like ‘cool programming,’ and you have an affection for ‘bluetooth,’ then you are perfect candidate for the “Multimedia Programming” class offered in fall 2005.


Component Object Modeling (COM)

Microsoft DirectShow SDK

Video and audio programming and applications

Programming and applications of serial devices

Embedded Visual C++ and Pocket PC

PDA programming and applications

Smart phone SDK

Cell phone programming and applications

Tablet PC SDK

Programming and applications of Tablet PC

Sure does sound exciting !!


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