Since PHP and Security have been in the limelight these past couple of days, here is an excellent little flash tutorial that gives you hands on experience with some common security lapses that can occur when coding.

i need to post more

In other news I have moved all my pictures from textamerica to flickr.

Although I have yet to have that trouble here, but it is nice to see blogger implement word verification for comments. I have had this problem at my f2o site , but have curbed it with comment moderation.

Lets see what other features are going to be packed in.

Wow, some radical changes are being proposed for PHP 6.0, some of which are

Remove register_globals completely

Remove magic_quotes_*

Remove safe_mode

Remove some stuff that has been marked deprecated since PHP 3/4

Remove various function aliases

One thing is for sure, this means people will have to change their code radically in order for it to work on php 6.0 …..

Should be interesting to see how things shape up

I just finished redesigning my f2o site and one the “new” things that I wanted to add was AJAX. Since for my site the only place that it seemed obvious was the forms . After some searching here is a nice tutorial that shows you how to mix php and ajax and use it to validate forms:

I am definitely impressed with MSN maps on first use.

First thing that comes across is the load speed, it definitely kicks google out of the water, even though im pretty sure their servers must be loaded since they just launched. Another aspect that stands out is the smooth scrolling, another +1 for virtual earth.

They have also included some features such as “locate me”:- ( cant say much since both google and microsoft cant find my house and simply give me the map of houston ), “scratch pad”:- which remembers all the places you searched for and also keeps track of where you last left off using cookies.

MSN maps is brilliant, though I dont see myself completely switching to either service I will surely be using them both side by side while comparing the results.

As most of us know msn’s virtual earth will be releasing tomorrow. Thanks to the google cache you can have a look at the web page here

After coding in C and C++ for such a long time , it really takes some effort to keep in mind that there is a quite a big difference as how strings are evaluated in languages such as PHP or javascript when enclosed in double quotes as compared to single quotes. Proper use can definitely help in performance wise.

I think its safe to say the general rule of thumb when it comes to deciding when to use what is use single quotes when outputting plain strings and html with no variables since the PHP parser wont have to look for variable, and use double quotes when there are variables, special characters, symbols .

Here is a nice PHP benchmarking site

Something that would be cool is to have the complete map of the USA ( google map) with major highway intersection cams. Basically all the cams on one map.

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