PHP 5 has some handy new functions but two that really stand out are date_sunrise and date_sunset ….. I can see some potential uses such as a weather channel, or a counter for a competition or for religious prayers but asides from that, are there are any other important uses that had to be implemented as a function ?

what I also dont like about it is the type of input data it needs to return an answer

mixed date_sunrise ( int timestamp [, int format [, float latitude [, float longitude [, float zenith [, float gmt_offset]]]]] )

other than that little “rant” I think PHP 5 is definitely a major step from 4.0


Well my first experiment with PHP5 was using the new SimpleXML extension , and I was definitely blown away as to how simple it makes parsing xml files and accessing the data.

I decided to implement something with the new yahoo api, and I decided to go with a simple spell checker. Now I coming across a little problem with this, yahoo only provides spelling suggestions if it can actually find something with that query, so that you can query with the correction. If it cant , no spelling suggestions are offered. I am hosting it here and the source can be seen here

Can anyone offer some tips or further suggestions ?

Finally I got my dotgeek account, which boasts of free PHP 5 web hosting. Now to start some fun projects !!!! Got any suggestions ?

oh and something totally random, someone came to this page after querying for this on google: ” *Kashif Beattie* ” .. How weird is that ??

I saw this google text ad in my gmail account while having a conversation with a buddy …. now why would someone want to buy a bad movie ??

I remember reading somewhere that adding six slashes at the end of changes the way the page look. So, I decided to check on some other sites that I frequently visit and so far have come up with one page. If you put one more slash at the end of ( ) the date and time on “in the news” section changes to 6:00pm Wed December 31.

Here is a screenshot(click for a better view):


Got any others ?

I saw the mac mini today, and my jaw just dropped at the size of the little thing …. just amazing…..thats all i have to say

Apple has upgraded its lines of photo ipods by increasing the hard disk size to 30gb and 60gb and slashing prices –>

With so much space available now, how hard would it be for Apple to incorporate video playing capabilities to the next generation of ipods . I definitely think that will be one of the key features , especially with all the video on demand services going around these days.

It all started at Russell Beattie’s website where he demonstrated a cool little flash application which showed the New York Traffic Cameras. It lead to Christopher Schmidt building his own little app in Nokia’s Series 60 Python. And from there people starting hacking his script to represent their own cities. I added Houston and the script can be downloaded from here. Chris has updated his script to incorporate all the cities, and can be found here

UPDATE: since is down at the moment I have also uploaded the script at this location

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