I came across this story on boing boing that everquest players can now order pizza online while playing their game. The headline speaks for itself and I can just picture a Jay Leno monologue along the lines of “How fat are we getting ? ..”

in my opinion – Unbelievably Ridiculous

Doesnt the Nokia 7280 look a lot like the new Apple Ipod Shuffle ??? Either ways it looks so cool

Came across this story on slashdot while back tracking for a certain article, about a person “experimenting” with google adsense by centering his blog solely around high paying keywords , in this case being asbestos. Excellent idea to make money, but isnt this against the TOS of Google Adsense ?

Finally the comments of blogger have been updated and about time as well. It was just so pointless that only other blogger members could comment.

Now I think one of the major fixes would be the whole rebuilding of the site whenever you edit anything. Its okay if you have a small blog, but couple of hundred posts and you could be sitting for quite a while before all the changes take place. And thats if you are lucky and dont suffer a time out in between, in which case you are stuck with partially working site. Something should be done about that so that it is more dynamic.

End of rebuilding rant

Bloglines is awesome !!!!

For people looking for rss feeds for xanga users , this is the link to their feeds http://www.xanga.com/rss.aspx?user= username . Just replace username with their xanga id and it should point to their site feed. For some reason it doesnt show up on the xanga site itself.

MSN music has announced that it will be offering one free music download per day . The tracks will be the ones that the MSN Music team think will win grammy’s. Not bad for FREE !!

One of my favorite programs Sunbird has a new release, 2RC for Sunbird .2 . The software is very much in beta and is quite buggy , but it is excellent nonetheless. Definitely worth a try and one to keep an eye out for.

To download Sunbird visit here

[UPDATE]: The official .2 version has come out today.

Wow it has been more than a month since the last post. Definitely need to breathe life into this place again …… just been so busy with so many things 🙂

Mostly people find my site by searching for my name, or the windows media player issue fix ( which is here btw here)

But I found this to be the most random search query to my blog Jackie Chan SNl download


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