Wow, this is cool stuff … presents for people who display google ads, hope I get one too 🙂

its good to be back

MSN has rolled out its own blogger service offering features such as picture sharing etc. There is also expected integration with msn messenger, for example a user can be notified when a particular blog is updates.

The site is located here and I will definitely try it out and post a review. Definitely looks interesting.

damn the archive thingee isnt working …. must fix that ….. what a semester so far, I cant wait for it to end

well I just went ahead and changed the template and that has fixed the template problem ….. I guess it was time for a change. Now to add the old stuff back into this

Now this is the dumbest thing ever, Scientists Define Murphys Law ……. I mean math is really helpful and can provide a lot of answers, but this is totally useless …… How can one even go about testing this ??

Well according to a slashdot article there is a vulnerability in Mozilla and Thunderbird that takes advantage of a buffer overflow exploit. This is quite similar to the jpeg parsing vulnerability in windows that was revealed recently.

Luckily if you have updated Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird. If you havent head over here and get the updates.

As for the windows vulnerabilites, patches are available on

I dont know about the rest of you guys, but I am once again starting to see the “nigerian money scam” emails in the inbox of my non-primary accounts …. somethings never die.

wow every single time I log on blogger gets a new feature. Cool

So FALL 2004 has started, awesome. The semesters seem to fly by. Only sad thing is the TTh getting up at 6. I havent gotten up this early since i was in high school ( and that seems such a long time back ).

A nice new application from the folks at mozilla. Its called calendar , and can be downloaded from here . I downloaded it in the morning and so far pretty impressed. Features are pretty basic since it is .2 and in beta , but it is also quite solid at the same time. Definitely a a must download.

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