Last day of classes today, finals begin on Friday.

My next piece of software review will be of my two favorite open source browsers:-

  1. Mozilla 1.4

  2. Mozilla Firebird(previously known as Phoenix, I think this is a cooler name though)

I personally cant wait for both to come out since they have some major feature upgrades!!!!

Other tech news, Grokster and Morpheus have won the P2P battle by proving that they couldnt track what was going on, on their servers….but I am sure there will be appeals to this decision. Kazaa is not yet free though.

I wonder when the next version of winamp will come out, since 3.0 in my opinion is quite bloated and a resource hog….I still use 2.9….

Just my luck, the new host does not support MT…:(

Talk about irony, I mention about the reliable servers of pcplayground and their website gets suspended…well got another host, so I will put it up there

All exams over….did them well….now dreaded finals!!!

well movable type blog is set at reliable pcplayground servers and can be seen at

so busy this week, not even funny….no more updates(i think till friday)

wohoo!!!! im in the top 3….,24330,3425210,00.html

It is so ironic that, all throughout the week the birds are so quite and dont chirp at all…..but as soon as the weekend comes around you can expect them to be at their chirping loudest in the morning, and its so unbelievably loud as if they are just next to your ears. Now its not that I dont enjoy the birds chirping, its just that, please not on the weekend!!!! Also bird poop on your car is a force to reckon, its as if they seem to know which cars have just been washed. They like sit on the community tree discussing that, and then in hoardes poop bomb the cars….thats why I had to wash both cards today, just disgusting.

As for the programs, all tweaks have been done and is ready to be given in for grading. wohoo!!!!

hmmm…..SNL what can I say, it was just somdry….2 times in a row…what a damper.

Simpsons was the winner this week, it was hillarious, probably one of the best shows this season.

Man these couple of days have been hell, there is this program that I have to write that translates a line into piglatin… for a while this program was acting like a unicorn, I was unable to catch yet I was crazy driven towards it, resulting in having dreams about that program… can imagine how bad things are when you start dreaming about the program( I even saw that it executed successfully…lol), well the program has been completed needing only a minor tweaks, which I shall do tommorrow. I have had enough of looking at my screen and endless amount of code.

I think my 8tc MT blog went down, I just hope that this is some downtime, and not like the last time. This time would suck even more cause I had manually transferred all my archives from here to there…..just hope they arent lost.

Now off to get some much needed sleep.

try this out it is a like a stock market with blogs Blog Shares. Seems like a lot of fun, i just registered.

Why did SNL have to suck that bad….comon it was pitiful, no excuse for that…ok thats that

I hate the climate in Houston–being so unpredictable and all, one moment the suns out, birds are chirping, the next its pouring cats and dogs. And to top it off are the drivers who drive as if they can see everything and are just zooming off splashing water all over your windsheild making it impossible to see for about 10 seconds, which is vvvvv dangerous. Just hate that!!!

Got schedule okayed today, just have to register.

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