My buddy sameers impression of hardy(of the laurel and hardy duo!!!)…..he also plans to send this pic to a potential date…..i wish him the very best…lol


Program 7 has been completed before schedule….thats a good thing because that means I have more time for study over the weekend. But I still have to take that damn webCT quiz.

Finally I removed all signs of ad-aware from my system, spybot s&d really does rule. You can download it from

I cant wait to see head of state…it looks hillarious.

Well I was so hoping that I would have a work free weekend, but alas, it sped by me so quick that I didnt even notice, exams are back!!!! The whole next week….*sigh* maybe next week will be cooler. I have still have not had time to write that article comparing spybot s&d and adaware…..I really wanna do that but seriously with all this work there hasnt been any time.

The deadline is over……….

Wohoo!!!!!!!!!!! The paper is done and there is no better rewarding feeling once you have done all your work and there is no backlog left, even the program has been tweaked to perfection and has to be turned in tommorrow. I so wish that blogger would provide an rss feed for this website, that would be real cool. Maybe they will have more features in the next versions of blogger, such as built in commenting, syndicaton formats etc..

This has been one hell of a week for me. First of all I had to take the webCT quiz umpteen number of times to get a hundred so that my average remains high, this took me practically the whole day and really screwed up my schedule. Then the craps program was giving major problems and required tweaking that went on for another day. All this mean that instead of two days for my paper, I had one…welll atleast I got two of the three pages done….another reason why im leaving university early tommorrow so that I can do my work and maybe do some math homework.

The Movable Type mirror is up at….so you guys can go there and visit. I tried implementing this template on their but it was difficult and html is not really my cup of tea, give me a decent looking free template any day.

Hopefully the rest of the weekend goes well.!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so frustated with this code right now it in unbelievable, its not a bad program but the way the professor wants it is so difficult….damn….well I do have most of it solved, but im gonna call it a day and do something else as I have a horrible headache.

update:- program finished wohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels so nice that today is thursday, because that means tommorrow is the last day of the week wohoo!!!!! But this week is gonna be real busy for me, just like most of my weekends.

There are great chances that the mirror with movabletype will be up and running soon.

Go and download the latest version mozilla 1.3 which just came out of beta testing. Click here to download link. It has alot more cool features such as advanced spam mail filtering and more compatibility with your favorite sites.

Soon I will be writing an article for the Protonic Newsletter comparing Spybot S&D and Lavasoft’s Adaware and which is the best as of right now, which i will be posting on this site, cant wait for that. Most probably be working on it next week.

Ever since university has started we have been bombarded with so much work…..there calculus homework to do, american governemnt papers, programs etc…..and the list goes on. There was a tech show at the university and I was pretty keen on attending it….my overall impression was that it was good, had besically a lot of laptops, since it was all university people over there. I had fun playing with the mac’s.

The other day I decided that for a project I go back to the ex-king of search engines alta vista. In its prime it was the best damn search engine, but lost its charm due to excessive commercialization and people paying them to put their results on top. And lately i heard they had improved things, trying to catch up with the google. Put in my search entries, and the results were show quite quickly, but the items had nothing to do with my query. Tried some other combo’s for searches and still nothing related to my project. I gave up on that immediately and went to my other favorite after av’s decline hotbot. Now this site was very good with searches, but now first of all get rid of that cheesy background, it literally makes you dizzy which is not good if you want people using for site, but i must say that there search results were real good. I had done all these because I had time to kill and even after getting some good sites with hotbot I completed everything with trusty, dependable google. Hope this is one search engine that doesnt fall into the same traps that its predecessors fell into.

Big news today, the new intel centrino chips are turning heads…..have really improved power and battery life, some sites reporting that they have been able to run a 1.6ghz laptop for a whopping 7 hours!!!!!!!!!!!

Its been such a long time since I blogged….but seriously speaking there was nothing to write about. Anyways spring break has come to an end… regrets about going back to university, but I wish it could be a little longer, since a week isnt just enough for spring break…

As for SNL I thought it was pretty decent this weekend…and nothing could top Simpsons today, it was hillarious and filled with political allegory.

more later, I’ll have more to write about once university starts.

The broadband is back and it feels great….got all my work done, checked my mail all at the speed of light…lol

Off to watch a movie but there is a good question to ponder over:-

What technologies or devices have gone far beyond your expectations?????

Put your thoughts in the comments.

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