The worst thing ever happened 2 days ago….my cable modem died out….wouldnt respond whatsoever……so I have been running on dial-up power, which as most of you know is quite a painful experience. And just the fact that blogger takes forever to load on dial up discouraged me from making enteries…..anyways someone from the cable company will be coming tommorrow to look in to the matter so hopefull i should be back up tommorrow…..wohoo!!!!

As for update I am enjoying my spring break to the fullest…..balancing rest, not doing alot of work and the same time getting ahead in my programs and other classes…so i feel this is not a total waste. Also I got accepted as a support technician at Protonic, which is a great site that offers techincal support for computer for FREE…yes for free….all the guys over there are volunteers, and are very very good.

as for the movies i was kinda disappointed by My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I found it ok, while on the other hand Shanghai Knights was pretty entertaining and you can always trust Jackie Chan with those mind blowing stunts….just great!!!!!!!!!!!

more later

Finally will get to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Shanghai Knights…..Ive heard the former is a great movie and is hillarious.

I just realized that the spring break is till the 10th, and thats only a week, man that sucks, but a break is break..wohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now all I need is something sweet to go along with those movies…..gotta look around the place.

Off to watch the movies

Played basketball after nearly 2 years today…my brother challenged me, thinking that he could squish me like a little bug….little did he know that I played against some of the toughest guys in new jersey. And that really helped alot, and even though I was a little rusty I showed him how to play b-ball….lol…..playing today reminded me of the time when I first moved to NJ, and my skills werent that great….I remember being the last pick for the guys while mamking teams( though that did not bother me one bit because I used to do the same thing when I used to play cricket!!! )…but as time passed I got better and i got picked earlier and that was the best feeling ever.

Decided to change the look of my computer as the mac look was kinda getting boring, so have a look at it here…I personally think it looks great!!!

more later

Yesterday was the first time ever that I have had car trouble in my life…..I walk up to the car and keyless entry thingee wouldnt work, so I figured that maybe the remote had weak batteries, again another first i used the key to open the door, and then went to hit the “unlock all door” switch and nothing…the car would not respond, then I kinda became skeptical, sat in put the key in the ignition and tried to start it, no response…for some mysterious reason the battery had died and car would not respond at all….double checked the lights made sure there werent any attempts to break in, nothing…..and to top it all (thanks to the Houston weather) it was pouring….but luckily AAA came to my rescue, jump started the car and the same day I got the car a new battery. Thank god it just caused me a 45 minute delay or else studying for the history exam would have become very difficult.

Cant wait for tommorrow people, because after I turn in all my stuff in I AM FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes Spring Break baby!!! wohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no school, no homework (but that doesnt mean no studying) for 10 whole days…wohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more updates tommorrow.

paper done!!!!!!!!!!!!yes it is done and what a wonderful feeling it is…he he. Plus the fact that I come home early gives me more time to study for my history, which shouldnt take alot of time ( I dont have alot of time as it is)….but its all under control.

netfirms started this sucky new policy that you cant remote link files here, but the bigger thing is that you cant evev view pictures as is they have to embedded on a webpage, but if you want that feature you have to pay….bah!!! so i had to change the code, but everytime i update the code the script for the tracker has to be updated, and this makes it all a lengthy project. Ill fix that later on.

as for other projects set up a phpNuke community for my friends from IIS so we can keep in touch and all. Now i have to add a photo album thingee, and then it should be perfect.

Also I decided to reduce the frequency of blogs so that there is more to write and more information, and i feel that this is working.

Done with 3 pages of that paper….yes I know, it takes me alot of time to write papers…but seriously it used be worse…but since I blog practically everyday the writing part doesnt seem as much a daunting task like it used to…so blogging does have it pluses!!!! Well i am very unhappy with the way the artificial club is going…no updates, no meetings, poor attendance…even the guys who started it seem to have lost interest….have to look for a new computer group to join…the earlier group really did look promising but I dont think its gonna float. Hopefully the TA replies back quickly so that i can give my program earlier, that way i can come home earlier and get all my homework and stuff done. SNL was great yesterday, you can always count on regulars and the special guests were even better. Probably gonna go to sleep a little eaerly today…soooo tired.

I guess this has been the longest period ever after which i blogged…the main reason being that i have been very busy….exams, projects et al. I have a 5 page essay due next friday, and i have completed 2 pages of that. It actually was great that i finished my webCT quiz last week so i wouldnt be doing it now, time which I used for writing the paper. But the bad thing was today was a beautiful day…..but just couldnt go to play tennis because I was busy doing my paper that i just couldnt.

Today’s SNL looks something worth staying up for….Christopher Walken…..I am positive that he will play the role of that desperate French guy…something to look forward to.

Also I found where Phoenix 0.6 is…well first of all they have to change their name because of some legal issues and second there are some bugs( you can go to their project page and see which ones have to be fixed) which they still have to fix, and as soon as that is done 0.6 will be out.

So to sum up of my weekend- complete paper(which I will love, because i want to get it over with), some history(thats fun) and maybe some T.V. and then work on calculus.

Still contemplating whether to take my laptop to university or not???? its not that its heavy or something(though some people claim otherwise), its just that at times i feel kinda lazy to lug that thing around…it would be cool if there was some kind of locker for computer science students.

These two weeks are going to be busy, with all these mid terms and stuff….ill be glad when it is over…because not only will it all be over, it will be Spring Break time….yeah..wohoo!!!!

Now for some tech review- Last week i tried the latest version on Opera. I must say i was very impressed…not only is it fast it is also so small at a measly 3 mb. The pop-up blocker was impressive, and the mail client is very capable. For those people who dont want Mozilla because of its size or want to get IE of your back should definitely give it a a ago. 2 thumbs up.

I am still using Mozilla, because i am very comfortable with it….but Opera is a good contender!!!!

by the way speaking of small i am wondering why it is taking so long for phoenix 0.6 to come out??

My third and final try with netfirms has been met with no success……I am not gonna install MT on their…its just messed up. Also I am done with the paper that I have to turn in for american government, just have to add the finishing page to it, which I will do as soon as the class is over( wonders of wi-fi, in class and connected!!!!), and then turn it in on wednesday….by the way this prof is another who just loves technology. Computer Science mid term coming up this week, all prepared for that as well. Just have to start doing that homewofk for cal II so that i can turn it in all done Friday.

And like it says below, got a new scanner from cannon….works like a dream, jus love usb plug and play.

Finally a decent show from the guys at SNL….this one actually made me stay awake till the end. Plus the 300th episode the Simpsons was fun, but i kinda liked the 301th one….hehe.

got a new scanner….but still have to finish paper for gvt.

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