The internet went out again….and I just hate it when it is the splitter at fault….because that means I have to move alot of furniture to fix the problem….well all said and done I am back up and running again..wohoo!!

To end the week on a brighter note the quiz was easy aced that and right now i am sipping on a brownie frap…what else could you ask for….lol

man the frikkin bus came 45 minutes late….i was late for my calc exam by 10 minutes…and that hurt my overall score…i was so mad the whole day…next time there is a test im taking the car… i have to work doubly hard to keep an a grade in that class. But thats ok, coz i do enjoy it.

well done with prog 4 and now i am 2 weeks ahead of the class…wohooo!!!!!

The game yesterday was amazing, just the fact that it went into 2 over times is just wonderful….very unpredictable. Just loved it. The spoof of Yao Ming at Simpons was smart too.

As for univ, its gonna be all study for Calc II exam on wednesday…the review is done with so that is good. Hopefully the MT version of the website will come up soon.

simpsons was real cool……watching the all-star game and things look good so far…astonishingly Jordan has missed 5 of his shots so far!!!!….nothing done over the weekend except calc II review sheet…..and my hosting went down a couple of days earlier, lost all files, entries.that sucked…off to watch the game.

the Ti-89 is so damn powerful, they have so many features that I am slowly learning…..if you can master it , probably it can do anything, ive even of c compilers for this!!!

Finally managed to get hosting somewhere that will let me transfer the MT site…hopefully.

The MT project will be down for a couple of months…..yeah the host said that he will not install the modules due to some restrictions from his server, also netfirms is so screwed up that installing MT on it has become impossible…..anyways its a good thing I didnt stop blogging here. Gotta start studying for my mid terms(though I am done with the programming bit).

Came back home a little earlier today, got alot completed as well as some major homework so that means less work for me tomorrow!!!! wohoo!!!!….the MT blog situation doesnt look good, the new host does has MySQL but one of the modules are missing so i still cant install it and chances are real slim that ill be able to set it up there anyways…..but you can get all the info from good ol blogger.

Mid terms are right around the corner, and I dont know if its just me, but this semester is really flying by real quick. Fall took forever to It feels like only yesterday when spring semester was going to start, come to think of it all my classes practically end by April!!!!! wow!!!!

The MT blog at the new website is ready, but guess what forgot, I to ask for a MySql db….so I have to wait for that, and then its only a matter of time before I upload everything up there and make it look exactly like the 8tc one..wohooo!!!!

Well my finally decided to close down as their website was plagued by some people who were quite immature…..forcing them to close down due to various reasons. But I have found another host that is giving me the double the space and the other specs are the same…so tomorrow i move my movabletype to the new webste…I just love Movable Type for that reason, the ability to export all your enteries so that you dont loose them in case of an emergency, like this. I already have the domain, but after I transfer everything tomorrow I will post the new url.

As for university today was just great, started off calculus II on a bright note with a 100 on the first quiz!!!! so that was nice. wohoo!!!!!

Long time since an update…..but seriously there was nothing really that interesting I had done over this week….just did a little organizing, seeing when the mid terms are other stuff. done with homework and all making this one of the most boring weekends ever.

Simpsons was very funny, a good episode. Another good move was that they are gonna run for two more years, before they are completely saturated( though many people feel that they are already saturated!!!!!)

Saw a horrible move too this weekend, a bad remake of i know what you did last summer.

More tomorrow.

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