Finally the week has come to an end…and this weekend was especially was just too tiring. Also had a bad charley horse the other day, not once but twice while sleeping….man those hurt.

The calculus quiz went well today, and our math class is getting more high tech, in a few days we can get help for Calculus II through aim, isnt that just great???

off to watch a movie.

I joined the H.A.I.R.S today which stands for Houston Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Society. This is so cool because we get to make our own robots, something which i have wanted to do always. We start off with the simple BEAM robots and then move upwards to making more sophisticated ones. I am so excited to get started!!!!!

Was so busy today that forgot to eat lunch…which is quite surprising for me!!!! I shall never do that again as it made me feel horrible the whole day, because the breaks in between class arent that long….atleast i got my homework done though 🙂

I am usually not that big a fan of history…but todays class really changed my feelings about it. This History professor is perhaps the best teacher for history that i have ever had, and his style of teaching makes the matter more interesting. We learn History not only with the facts but also with movies that were there in that period. Also how films mirrored the complete opposite happenings of that period as well. well todays class had clips from the movie Wizard of OZ, and how it was a allegory showing the political happenings during the 1890’s. It was just amazing and lots of fun.

Got all my books(finally!!!!)…now have to study from them 🙂

can u believe it January is almost over???

The TA for calculus II knows what he is doing….but he cannot explain the methods or other vital information of calculus for crackers……I just dont get it…and its not only me…the whole class feels that way.

On a brighter note all my books were shipped out and the rest will be bought tomorrow…wohoo!!!!

The superbowl game is going quite good so far(even though I dont understand alot of it, quite a newbie i am !!!!!). The Raiders are making huge mistakes and are letting the Buccs run over them literally. But the ads that are going on so far are just great. the best one uptil now have been:

  1. The ozbournes ad for pepsi twist

  2. The budweiser ad with the guy with a dog over his head.

  3. Yao Ming’s “yo” ad

As for today I was so hoping that a new episode of simpsons be shown, but I read wrong, apparently on the website they have dated the new episode for February 2. and are showing Independence Day instead. Finally placed orders for my American Government book over at Barnes and Nobles, now I just have to get my History books. I would have had all of them by now, but on Friday the 2nd floor and some portions of the 3rd floor University Center were burnt down because of some person who left a lit cigarette carelessly which led to the burn down. So even the library(which is on the second floor) has been closed for a couple of weeks.

I finally got fed up with the look of my 8tc website, and decided to change the look of it….so here is the new looking website. I feel the white color is quite a refreshing change.

off to watch the game!!!

While writing this entry the Buccs have made an excellent 44 yard touch down!!!! by the way i am rooting for the Buccs….wohoo!!!!!!

I had planned yesterday to blog a second time yesterday after that update…..but sadly the the internet came back and then went off again. But it is back again and its all good. A number of places on the net were down today as well because of a series of denial of service attacks and also a virus that is quite rampant.

well got alot of work done, finished my second program that was due for c programming class…..but I still have to buy the books….did not get to go today 🙁

off to watch a movie.

The woes of 56k…yesterday my ISP went down, and said that they wont be up for a while now. Im stuck with 56k, something that i havent used in a while. And like they say once you go broadband, you cant go back…..its so true….56k is horrible, because you’ll be really lucky if you connect at those speeds. Can;t go to my regular websites because it takes so long to download(I just dont have the patience for slow loading pages…lol)….thats why i did not even blog yesterday!!!!! right now i am at University and using one of the computers in the lab, time to go to class.

Went to get my buy my books today from the university library… you must be wondering why so late, well I decided to hold off until my schedule is permanent so I dont have the headache of returning the books and all that….but it seems that man are doing exactly what I had planned to do. Even after a week of school being opened people are still buying the books, and lines till the cashier are just too long. I have a good hour between classes, but I dont think even that is enough to get all my books, even though I dont have to buy alot of books this semester as most 2 of classes(calculus, c programming) are continuations from where we left off. Probably will go to saturday so that I might avoid the rush.

Also it was so cold today, and they say the weather is going to be worse tomorrow, good thing is that i take the car tomorrow, so i dont have to wait outside for long in the cold. Hopefully the weather clears up over the weekend so that i can play some tennis, that would be cool.

I so wish that there was a Dunkin Donuts here, their coffee is just excellent, and i am kinda getting bored of Krispy Kreme.

Wohoo!!! my schedule has changed, so now not only do i have a better teacher but also better use of time….so now tuesday and thursdays ill be home by around 12pm. now all i have to do is buy the books for those classes.

Hoping to join a few clubs as well this semester, mostly related with comp sci.

today was so nice, just perfect, but they say that this will only last for only a couple of days 🙁

man i feel like drinking a brownie frap again!!!!

Feeling kinda lazy nowadays to post, plus nothing exciting has been happening that made it worthwhile to post everyday…..the holidays came and went quite quickly, didnt do much except write a stupid essay for american government class of mine.

thanks to my bro the pic(the one on your left) that I had fixed(it had a real irritating white border) with photoshop to perfection was ruined….he said he could “fix” it and make it smaller…but all he really did was ruin the pic… i had to make another one, but it doesnt look as good as the original….ill deifnitely have to sit with that pic and work on it again. arrgh!!!!!

Anirudh told me about a game caleld hegemonia, but their servers were so full that i could’nt download it all, but lately with all the university work i dont have time to play games as well.

nothing great on TV as well….simpsons was a repeat…and SNL sucked big time, even weekend update was horrible.

And i do agree with Chris that majority of the blogs arent being updated as regularly as they used to be….so come on go ahead and update!!!

Update: gave him the pic again, so he has made it better…thanks dude!!!!

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