What a game yesterday between the Lakers and the Rockets….Stevie Francis was just amazing with 44 points, just too good. But everywhere in the news they still talk abt the Yao-Shaq match up….though I have to give it to Yao, he was able to block the big guy, not once but 3 times which I feel is quite an achievement.

Remember that American Government teacher i was unhappy about, well i got an email from the other professor, and she will be able to take me in the class, so thats just great!!!!!

Saw something real ironic today…..a farmers insurance claim car, was being given a ticket by a policeman…that was so hillarious that the insurance company was getting a ticket.

here is something real interesting, that made me go wow!!!!! when i read it(though i think it might be a little expensive, but maybe with popularity it will come down)

click here

Tomorrow is going to be great….the last class has been cancelled, so that means i get to be at university for about an hour or so…wohoo!!!

Almost done with all the work from university, so should be free over the weekend, just the fact that I have to write the dreaded essay for american government. Maybe ill do that friday.

This semester so far is going great….I have some of the best teachers this time…a lot of research was put in (by me 🙂 ) to choose good teachers over, time of day……but the sad thing is that my american government teacher is’nt that great(actually she is’nt the one that i opted for originally,but for some bizarre reason the other guy disappeared!!!!)…she does know her material and all that….but the amountt of work that we have to put in for a course that is just a core requirement is unbelievable…we have to write reaction essays after every chapter, then there are 3 other separate papers on different subjects, and a final paper. not to mention debates every week where we have to do research, and then a final presentation. The best part of the course is that it will be over by april 18th, and the final will be during the first week of may, so thats like a good 20 days before summer break. It would be real kewl if we had more classes like this in my major (computer science), where we would write papers on the latest technologies and debate about them with their downfalls, advantages etc…

I recently tried out this kewl feature in windows messenger( it only works if u have windows XP)….desktop sharing and application sharing….with this feature on you can share microsoft applications and some other third party applications with other people on your buddy list….you can still share if the other guy doesnt even have the application installed…..i tried this over my network and it worked like a charm…..but the TCP requires port 1503 to be open, which firewalls or even routers with NAT might deny….but anyhow it is worth a try. Another feature that looks kinda intriguing is the remote administration(again works only with XP)…if you just like me receive calls or IM’s from friends and family concerning various problems with their computers, and sometimes have a tough time explaining to them what to do, this is a real kewl feature that lets you, and then you work on their computer….even this requires some ports to be open, which if i ever do it, will let you know. Again if anyone has given this feature a look lemme know!!!!

Switch to linux update: not done yet, still looking for a computer, but on a brighter note i am using the linux computers in the computer lab, and learning the tricks in there, so its still good.

today was such a long day……after such a nice winter break of getting up late and going to sleep even later.

the worst part was that the two labs that i had to attend today were cancelled, so i had a 5 hour break between the two classes, ooohhhhh that was just terrible.

well starbucks has opened up at the university center satellite…so thats always good(more brownie fraps..wohoo!!!!! )

i still have to buy two books, maybe ill do that tomm.

tomm is the first day of univ….have to get up early…. 🙁

today was so cold…brrrr….made sure i had all the things necessary for tomm. just hope tomorrow isnt that bad because i have to do alot of walking, and will be back by 7:00pm…thats a long day

well heres my new blog, at the new host click here

the only good though is that the 20th is a holiday…..wohoo!!!!

hmmm there was nothing to do today, except move my netfirms site to 8tc….also it was pouring and no sun made the day even duller.

a new small company called e.digital is standing againt apple’s ipod….their jukebox is also very sleek and is being showcased at CES in vegas. it boasts of USB 2.0, 20gb of space, and voice recognition, plays MP3’s and WMA files. And just like the iPod it can also be used as an external hard disk drive….but even though it is fresh from the showroom it is a hundred dollars cheaper than the iPod with the same specs…lets see what happens.

this is pretty amusing Miss Cleo: ‘I’m Sorry That People Were Scammed’

forget netfirms…. i got hosted at another palce with no ADS!!!!!!!!! wohooo access the site at here. more later

i am making the switch – at this moment right now i can hear ppl saying is he getting a mac after seeing those switch ads……..well no(i feel they are a bit too expensive for their offerings)…im going to linux….yes red hat linux 8.0. ive heard alot of great things about linux, from a programming point of view and i wanted to get a feeling for another OS, especially linux. for most people who do not know what linux is, it is an Operating System just like Windows or Mac, and it 100% FREE, and is very powerful. it is very powerful it does alot for, but you should know how to make it work for you, but with KDE(desktop thingee) and Gnome, Linux has started looking alot like Windows and more user friendly.

But i wont be completely leaving windows out, ill just be moving between the two to get a feel for myself, and as soon as macs get cheaper ill probably get that as well :)….i just need an old computer(preferably a laptop) to run this…..as we speak i am downloading the third and final iso from their servers. For other people who are becoming a little enthusiastic and wanna stand out from the crowd there are many version of linux out there, the popular ones Mandrake and Red Hat.

i still havent watched jerry seinfeld on broadway….maybe tomm.

and a couple of days ago i was saying abt that feeling of wanting univ to start…well that feeling has passed..lol…but it will all get better after a couple of days he he

i think this has been my longest post ever(this was so random lol)

netfirms was down and out from a denial of service attack the whole morning…..alot of the problems have been fixed but there are alot of things still wrong only for me….and that makes me mad!!!!

on a brighter note im almost towards the end of teaching myself C++ and so far it has been a smooth ride.

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