wohoo made some good cash on old books today…sold them on half.com..got a heck alot of money than if i had gone to the univ lib..he he.

now what i want is an old pc so that i can run linux on it!!!!!

set up my own forum now using phpBB…best of all it was FREE!!!! and very easy to install…i still dont know what to do with the forums, but since i dont want everyone and anyone posting i will send out emails to people who i want to join. then later on you can put in ur suggestions as to what i should do…so that should be a good way to start off things. if you want to try your hand at making your own forums you can download the scripts from here

also did some minor updates to the netfirms blog templates.

finally got some time to watch robin williams…that dude is just so funny and his extempo stuff is even better…a must see…..next i get jerry seinfeld live on broadway, that should be fun as well.

the ibooks have a 17inch monitor and they look real phat, and are loaded with kewl features…i want an iBook!!!!!!!

so tired rite now….actually cant wait for college to start….which is very weird…i hope this feeling goes away …lol

just mite go to bed early.

tried installing the trackback feature on the movable type blog (which in case you have forgotten is at http://k4shif.netfirms.com), but i messed up the index file, but its back to normal now…everytime i open that netfirms page i feel so proud..lol…took me 3 weeks to make that one(actually to figure out what to do). i have no idea what the trackback feature does, but if anyone does pls let me know.

i was watching this show on the travel channel, some french dude went to the rainforests and met this tribe that was totally oblivious of the world outside them..it was amazing…no clue of fire, iron etc…they were touching the french dude to see if the paint would come of his white colored skin…lol…it was just amazing.

i still havent watched robbin williams on broadway maybe monday 🙂

off to watch another movie.

the cloning thing that has been going on for a few days seems real fishay!!!! i personally am not that kewl with the whole cloning thing, and playing god….there are huge possibilities that they could mess up big time and create such a big mess that it would be very difficult to fix!!! the whole concept of the leader being fathered by an alien is also way out there (pun not intended)

since im back in the gaming modd i think i shall go back to UT2K3, which in my opinion was the best so far.

i have a copy of robbin williams on broadway…that dude is hillarious…i have yet to see it though.

off to watch a movie now.

that was real fun in the morning…got alot of click…tis was real fun, but had to remove it as it really slowed everything down.

anyways other who want to try that can get the code from here.

removed it…made my blog real slow…would take forever to load

nothing much to write abt today, but had to make some sort of post on new years day..lol

have to start thinking abt which summer session to choose out of the 4 available options since registration starts real early.

anywayz HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

the commenting system that i linked here yesterday is actually very good, so all of u who were thinking abt haloscan(which is currently closed) can look here, its very good.

anywayz i finally did it, installed movabletype on netfirms…wohooo!!!!! you can have a look here

task one completed that i had planned for the winter break.

but since that was a project i will continue to blog here, and the exact copies will be there, but i prefer that you look here…now i will experiment with that site and do other stuff…im just so excited..lol

yup so as i said continue visiting blogspot 🙂

since i was not able to go to NJ this winter 🙁 i mite go someplace this summer…hopefully!!!!!!

but atleast i was able to do one of the things that i had planned for winter!!!!!

hey for all you people out there looking for a free commenting system for your blog look here. more later

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