finally for a change we went to conroe outlet mall….it was a nice drive to that place…bought some stuff as well.

saw this real funny street name – butte creek…i found that pretty amusing also a man in a car across from ours was shaving his beard..ha ha

so today wasnt as boring as the other days, im so tired, but wont go to sleep early.

today was a little better..not so boring plus it was such a beautiful day as well….but anywayz nothing new to write about.

read this news article…pretty stupid but kinda amusing at the same time

A watchman from a society of summer cottages in Russia’s Vladimir region, Sergey Sokolov, invented an effective method of struggle with burglars who frequently break into the summer cottages at night. Although the man himself is neither strong, nor awesome, he turned out to be a wonderful psychologist. He made special veneer bootprints which are extremely large: these devices leave too big prints on the snow around the cottages where the man is working as a watchman. When burglars attempt to break into the cottages, they first study the enormous bootprints left by the resourceful watchman here and there on the snow. Judging by the shoeprints, burglars think that the watchman is a huge and strong man, and they prefer to retire. The watchman says, the number of burglaries has reduced by almost 50% since the innovation was introduced.

wow im so bored rite now…i need something to do…i am practically bored with demos and gaming… that one week of gaming i think really was like an overdose, so no gaming for a while now

c++ is still going great and i think ill be able to teach it to thats pretty much kewl.

and i just noticed that the last couple of my blogs are starting with “man”…he he

man call for help is going great so far …10 hours so far!!!!!

now that i have so much still for my break to end im going to try to teach my self c++ to try to gain the upper hand in class next semester….there are still 3 weeks left…wohoo!!!!

i feel like drinking a brownie frap again, but then im so hyper already…lol

man im so excited rite now…thats why im making an update rite now and another later on.

first of all my uncle has become good friends with amitabh bachchan(man he is like gawd of bollywood!! great actor and im his biggest fan)…so hopefully i may get hooked up when i go back next year…i cant wait…damn

second im on aim talking with cat from call for help, i cant beleive it happened so randomly, so maybe ill be on the netcam later on…

so excited rite now..literally jumping off the wall.

man the game vietcong rules…its so realistic…the demo is out and the game will release some time in february. really addictive

i have some fun things which planned to do, but ill keep them a surprise…so after i do that ill write abt that…this should be fun.

whenever i come to blogger i see their annoucement that new changes will be done to blogger- i was wondering whether it will be looks or features…i am hoping features though as the look is just fine…plus they should hurry it up as i am loosing my patience lol…plus i just completed 6 weeks at blogspot..amazing.

no games for a couple of days now…because there are no new demos out…..but at the same time i dont feel like playing games, maybe later.

man that simpsons episode was a repeat…what a disappointment….when will the new ones start again????? same with snl..last season was horrible…i dont want to see those repeats.

i read this piece of news yesterday its pretty amusing – SANTA has been given the all-clear for Australian airspace on Christmas Eve. Transport Minister John Anderson said Santa had been fully briefed about changes in the national airspace system since his flight last Christmas.And it appears Rudolph the reindeer will lead Santa this year, in a bid to comply with aviation lighting rules. “I am pleased to confirm that Santa will be able to operate in Australian airspace as normal,” Mr Anderson said in a statement.”However, the briefing was complicated by a disagreement about the navigation lights carried by the sleigh.”Mr Anderson said civil aviation regulations require all aircraft to carry red, green and white navigation lights.But Santa’s elves had complained the lights would distract the reindeer.”One of the reindeer, Rudolph, has a very shiny nose,” he said.”The Civil Aviation Safety Authority has therefore directed that Rudolph must lead the sleigh on Christmas Eve.”Mr Anderson said as there had never been a complaint about low-flying sleighs and reindeer, Santa had been cleared to operate through the Adelaide, Coolangatta and Sydney airport curfew hours. -AAP

well majority of the day went in optimizing both my computers at home. I have a desktop a Sony Vaio and Dell Inspiron laptop- did a little defragging and ran this kewl utility…it gets rid of a lot of junk from your computer, you can download it from here. the name of the software is advanced system optimizer…its shareware and theres a trial for 30 days…and it uninstalls without a trace…give it a try.

alot of people i have talked to have talked about the downsides of these blogging softwares and some in the worst scenarios have been hacked….so im sticking with blogger…unless im bitten with the bug

a slow day today…but as long as i had nothing to do it was all good. i wish only if the break would never end lol

it was so funny this morning…i didnt even realize it but someone actually used the commenting system on my blog…i thought that was very funny. i also know that alot of ppl read this blog…why dont you guys comment as well…

well played a little hitman 2 today(recently i have been gaming alot, since this winter break is long and i have pracitcally nothing to do lol.)- the game is excellent and requires alot of thinking and planning….its not the typical shoot your way in and shoot ur way out. real fun.

alot of ppl seeing lord of the rings and said they really enjoyed its..i dont know i mtie see but im not tempted.

ever wanted to know how to make ur own G4(or in other words a mac mod) well here is a great article from the guys at the thescreensavers click here

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