the higly anticipated tom clancy’s splinter cell demo was out today…i played it…vvv nice, and alot of attention to detail and kewl weapons…only the camera viewing effect with the mouse is a little messed up..

did nothing today…it felt so nice knowing that you have nothing to do. lol

i so wanna get the 3 dvd set of back to the future…they were kewl movies. plus i wanna see catch me if you can, it looks like fun.

i think my chances of putting up movabletype are slim on netfirms…its so difficult to install…and all the features they ask for are not easily available….then there are others, so easy to install but their templates are impossible to change…i mean what language are they written in, bec i can understand things written in HTML but this is quite weird and will take some time and patience…time i have alot on my hands, patience is the issue!!!!!

well if any one is interested here are the links for the various blog publishers.

Movable Type



if anyone is succesful with movabletype pls lemme know


yes!!!!! finally i am dun with finals….cant believe semester 1 is over.

my plans for winter…hmmm i dont know yet…maybe i mite go to NJ or maybe use movabletype to set a new blog…i am hoping for NJ.

anyways im still looking for a free webhost that will support movable type…any suggestions?

the calculus exam went vvv well

tommorows the last final….yahoo!!!!! i am so excited a mite not even get sleep tonite.

but studying for the history final is horrible….its so tiring and uninteresting…i am just glad that it will be all over by 5pm tomorrow. 🙂

this weeks new simpsons episode looks pretty interesting(by the way last weeks episode was hillarious), it talks abt Lisa choosing between converting to islam, judaism or zoroastrianism, and richard gere guest stars, lets see what happens.

a little late but al gore’s snl was the worst episode ever….it was not funny at all and he couldnt act to save his life.

a more happy blog after the exams….:)

couldnt blog yesterday bec of some problems with blogger

anywayz,calc final in a couple of hours, im ready to tackle it.

i mite…just mite make another blog using movable type…i found it a frickin pain to install, but ill give it one more go over the break using a new web host…i think netfirms was the promblem….well i used another blog publishing software to make this trial one and it looks pretty professional, click here.

the eco final is over…wohoo!!!! 2 more to go.

during the eco final, there were a one guy was telling his friends his “master plan” at acing this final…little did they know that everybody gets different sets…dumbasses.

anywayz during the test the brainiac is trying to cheat off a paper ahead of him…sounds normal..but the guy with the same set was 2 rows ahead of him!!!!! the extremes ppl go to…he would have been better off studying for that final. lol

heres sumthing funny i read today-

Jack Nicholson has been asked to stop walking around his new home in Nebraska naked.Locals have been left stunned after getting an eyeful when they popped round to get a glimpse of the legendary hellraiser. One neighbour said: “Our delight turned to shock when we discovered that Jack walks around his house at all hours in the nude — apparently not caring whether the curtains are drawn.”It was really quite odd and it was the talk of the town. I mean, we wanted to see Jack in person but this was ridiculous.”The Easy Rider star and renowned ladies’ man recently revealed that he “doesn’t have the same libido” that he once possessed.But according to his neighbours, on-again-off-again girlfriend Lara Flynn Boyle was a regular visitor.

gotta study for calc and dreaded hist…:(

i cant believe it , but im actually all geared up for tommorrows final…lol

here something interesting i read in the paper…this guy had such a horrible streak of bad luck..he he. heres the story:-

ELKTON, Md. — A Maryland man is hoping a new puppy can change his dismal streak of bad luck this holiday season. James Dawkins of Elkton was on his way to visit his hospitalized mother when he stopped to walk his dog. The dog fell through ice on a pond and died, despite Dawkins’ rescue efforts. He got home to find police there. Someone had broken into his home and stolen his gun collection. Then he discovered that he’d lost $150 in cash while trying to rescue his dog. It was all his money for Christmas presents.

Dawkins decided to try to change his fortune by getting a puppy from the pound. He’s named it “Precious.”

and have fun with this click here

it was horrible out there in the morning..all dark and stuff…much more better towards the latter part of the day.

theres such a nice view of the trees from my room, there a whole column of them with multi-colored leaves, and then another column with regular green trees.

downloaded the nba live 2003 demo…nothing great…but overall its fun..another fun basketball game is at shockwave..he he.

anirudhs blog looks alot like mine…my template is becoming so

i feel like drinking a brownie frap lol

the whole day was spent in studying for the eco final…i hate economics…i even dont like history..actually hist is better

quake III wasnt all that great..downloaded a demo version and there were no online servers….uninstallation was ut…way better

last day of classes today…so im off from this weekend, but i still have those dreaded final >:

but so far so good…the first final went well yeah!!!!

winter break is just a week away…cant wait

i wanna see analyze that…heard its pretty funny

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