wohoo!!!!! was finally able to set the wireless connection…so im wireless again

got my english portfolio ready, ready for my programming final

played a little army ops today…its a very addictive game….and to top it off its FREE!!!!!…but it can be quite a pain for ppl on dial up coz its a whopping 300mb

im so tired…..gonna go to sleep early.

what a nice day today….dun with all final exams studying…bored rite now…what can i do?????

but i am looking forward to SNl with Robert DeNiro.

down with one exam …went well too

it was nice today, atleast the sun was out. these couple of days were pretty cold.

man saw the weirdest thing today, yogurt flavored soda….now who would want to drink that?????

studying for the third exam of calculus tommorrow…its not that bad once i get the hang of the washer method, shell method etc….

heres a lil schedule of events that will take place in the next few weeks.

12/06 – Calculus Exam 3

12/09 – English Portfolio Due, C Prog Final

12/14- Economics Final

12/16- Calculus Final

12/18- US History Final

and then im dun wohooo!!!!!!

blogging a lil early today coz i have an hour b4 class and plus i have my laptop with me at the univ

horrible day outside…pouring cats and dogs and its so cold…my hands were frozen cold while making it to the comp sci building from the parking lot!!!!!

the road conditions are horrible as well….saw a horrible accident scene on alt 90…..a honda accord had its hood smashed underneath a chevy truck and at the trunk of the honda was a ford explorer….the explorer had rammed into the the trunk of the accord and climbed over it!!!!…. the accord was totalled…horrible.

well ill be online between classes (and maybe sumtimes during class as well he he 🙂 )

today i turn in Part 1 of the final for c programming..hope that goes well.

my smc router went down today…cutting of wireless connection as well wired…..so im back on the linksys.

have to see whats the problem…maye have to reset the damn thing…..

anywayz got soaked today while running from class to my car…but it was fun though.

part 1 of final for computer sci due tomm!!!!

talking about problems even blogger wont publish my blog…well this problem is fixed..phewww

what a day!!!

saw bond yesterday…twas real kewl…just loved the car fights

well today was the first day of classes after the break…really tiring…came back at 7:30!!!!!

i think its gonna be a long wait till the break 🙁

the break is almost over…..i dont feel bad though that the break is getting over(maybe it’ll hit me monday morning!!!!!)…..got all the work dun that i had planned to do.

just a couple more weeks and then this semester is over, and winter break…maybe thats why i dont feel bad abt thanksgiving break ending.

u2k3 has the best online gaming experience….the servers were stable and there were plenty of them to keep ya occupied….medal of honor allied assault was engaging but not good enuff.


another great deal…..i got the smc wireless router for 50 bucks!!!! got it up and runnning…some initial problems…but after resetting it works excellently….so the house is now wireless and no more wires to trip over….the sony is still wired though…but anywayz….its all good.

almost dun with that paper….just a 2 more pages to go and ill be dun!!!!!! i should have completed it yesterday but kinda felt lazy lol

well nothing to do today

got an excellent deal on a wireless optical mouse from IBM…got it for 20 bucks!!!!!!

well working on that history paper now, its half done.

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